Chiropractor Marketing

Marketing a chiropractic business is no easy task. The space is overly saturated and competitive, and you have to be able to offer new patients something special. This typically eats into a chiropractor’s marketing budget without leading to a lot of new patients.

So, what is the best way for chiropractors to market their business in a cost effective way? Here are three ways you can start promoting your chiropractic clinic through local marketing services like Yelp, Facebook Ads and Google Ads.

1. Yelp

Although Yelp is mostly known for negative reviews about local restaurants, the platform does accommodate a number of business types. Real estate agents, doctors and chiropractors can all take advantage of having a profile built out on Yelp. You’ll begin collecting reviews in no time and then when a potential patient searches for nearby chiropractors, you’re there.

Best of all, getting started on Yelp is free.

2. Facebook Ads

Any type of advertising costs money without direct results. You have to build your brand to acquire new patients and one way to do so is through Facebook. Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms and has a substantial number of users. It’s important to have a branded Facebook page and post regularly. However, if you want to reach more potential patients, you need to invest in ads. Getting started with Facebook Ads is relatively easy and you can determine the exact budget you want to spend. The only cost you’ll have to budget for is hiring a graphic designer to create ads for you. From there, the targeting can be as complex as you want it to be and you’ll start attracting new clients.

Plan to spend at least $100 a month on Facebook to gather enough data to make necessary decisions.

3. Google Ads

Unlike a search engine optimization campaign, Google Ads is the company’s solution for paid traffic. Here is where you can specify certain keywords you want to use to attract potential patients to your clinic. For instance, you could set up a keyword for “chiropractor near me” and target it with a 25-mile radius to reach anyone searching this keyword in that range. Since the intent is already there from the potential patient, your ad just needs to be visible.

Because Google is competitive and a little more crowded compared to Facebook, you’ll need to plan to spend $300 a month to gather enough data for your campaign. Once you have enough data, you can adjust keywords and ads to try to increase the click through rate.

Reputation Management

As your business starts to grow, so will your reputation. This can either be positive or negative, but you need to be certain you are part of the conversation. Depending on the platform you choose to use to promote your clinic – Yelp, Facebook, Google or all 3 – be ready to respond to comments from each. You’ll quickly notice patients will leave reviews and it’s up to you to manage your reputation. Respond to comments, respond to complaints and resolve negative situations as fast as possible.

Marketing a chiropractic clinic isn’t cheap. But it doesn’t have to be overly expensive either. Try using any of these services to get your marketing started and let us know how it’s going in the comments. We would love to share tips and advice with other chiropractors.